

Wearing Vintage

Nothing shimmies me free from the throws of a fashion rut faster than a little Vintage shopping.  We all pass through fashion transitions, some more gracefully than others, and we all need a sturdy shelter for safe passage.  Maybe it's your little black dress, your grandmother's pendants, or your tride and true hiking boots, mine is Vintage slips dahling.  No matter which direction the fashion winds are shifting, I can count on the comfort of my Vintage slip collection.  As a trend, they may have come and gone, but for me, they will never go out of style. 

Recently my friend Cass and I hit some off the beaten path boutiques and Vintage shops (yes, this was the shopping day when I left my wallet on the kitchen counter) and I was inspired out of a fashion foxhole. 

Vintage (or bargain for that matter) shopping is not for the faint of heart.  You will not see a sea of mannequins draped in the latest looks, but you are sure to utilize your creative flair.  There is sure to be lots of digging, mixing, matching, as well as trial and error, vintage sizing can be tricky.  Of course the end result, when you are heading home with a reusable bag stuffed with unique and unusual goodies, is worth it. 

My favorite haunts are locally owned Vintage shops, but I also enjoy perusing goodwills and antique stores.  You would be amazed at the jewelry, bags, scarves, and brooches you can find at an antique store.  Besides accessories, I do not suggest Vintage shopping online because again, the sizing can be tricky. 

If your style is feeling stale, in the midst of a downward spiral, or just a slight transition, from student to professional, associate to manager, or a new relationship status, take your trend temperature and check into some retail therapy.  When done with patience, Vintage shopping can reap massive rewards for the teensiest of budgets.  Or simply slip into your go to pieces and feel your confidence and creativity flowing. 

Toodles from a Vintage Wearing Smalltownista.

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