Ah, it's that time of year again. The seasons are a changing and the resume needs a revamping. Okay, it is not really the season, it is the fact that my job hunt will officially begin come 2010. Have I expressed how fortunate I am to have a hubs that is supportive enough to give me time to adjust to our new life in the city before jumping into the work force. While I moan about selling myself, I am learning and I am truly grateful.
As previously mentioned, Sell Yourself, Sell Your Soul: Part I , learning to sell myself is a work in progress. I am trying to get past the idea that talking myself up is not necessarily a betrayal to a genuine personality. If talking myself up is tough, you can only imagine how foreign it feels to put it on paper.
Debra Condren's amBITCHous: (def.) A Woman Who: 1. Makes more money 2. has more power 3. gets the recognition she deserves 4. has the determination to go after her dreams
Back to the task at hand, I simply must quote one of my fave movies of all time, Bottle Rocket
Dignan: "Bob Maplethorpe, potential getaway driver, GO".
Bob Maplethorpe: "I'm just not good at this sell yourself stuff. I really wanna be a part of this team and I'm the only one with a car."
I really would like my resume to say "Hi, my name is Kristin, I am passionate about what I do and people tell me I am good at it. Thank you for your time." Wouldn't it be nice if it were that simple. Alas, it is not so I forge ahead and fortunately there are plenty of resources available to guide me through the selling myself on paper process.
If it is resume revamping time of year for you as well, here are a few tidbits that got me going:
- totalresume.com is very helpful and concise while offering tips and templates.
- jobbankusa.com is wonderful for finding resume examples suited for your field.
- Even if you are piecing your resume together from home go ahead and suit up.
- Who doesn't feel better about themselves after a hot shower and splash of make-up. Maybe not put on an actual suit, but at least peel yourself out of your jammies.
- 'Dress for Success' did not become a classic cliché for nothing; it can make a powerful impact.
- Schedule resume writing post workout so you feel especially invigorated.
- Carve out time to pick up and organize a work environment pre writing so you will not be distracted by the notion to clean house instead of buckle down.
And last but not least, read Ambitchousfor a kick in the pants.
If you are a pro resume revamper please share your tidbits of knowledge with those of us in need of lessons on how to sell ourselves.
Toodles from this resume revamping rascal.
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