You'll never guess . . . just kidding, I am not going to sing one of my 'too many to list' favorite Ryan Adams numbers. What was I saying? Oh yes.
Dear Chicago,
You are forever fabulous with your seemingly endless array of music venues, superb shopping as far as the eye can see, and enticing eateries on every corner. But why must I always be disheveled by your unyielding winds? I am on to your charm sir.
You will be dropping your temps to well under remotely bearable, but I will be escaping to the beach and back home for a lengthy holiday visit. No need to worry because I will be back with a vengeance in January, your dreariest and most brutally frigid month. You may be thinking you can knock me down, but this Smalltownista has already gained innumerable amounts of big city confidence and growing stronger with every passing moment.
I will face your withering weather with bells on. I have a parka the size of Alaska and I am not afraid to use it. I have a built in scrabble partner (the hubs) and we are looking forward to your forced hibernation. I have studied every episode of Sex and the City: The Complete Series (Collector's Giftset)
Try as you may Chicago, this Smalltownista will endure. Trust me, I have suffered far worse than a depressing doppler. I can certainly weather your weather and as my man Keith Whitley would say "I'm No Stranger To The Rain
p.s. This is when you cue the music, I toss my newly purchased, super cute, knit hat in the air, and "I'm gonna make it after all." Or with my luck, a more appropriate rendition would be . . . cue the "Sex and the City" theme song, as I am splashed with dirt water courtesy of a bus that does not have my face on it.
Love Chicago and I am glad I found you! This blog looks awesome. Please take care and Happy New year. I am subscribing to your RSS!
Thank You Shane, I always enjoy your posts! Happy New Year to you as well.
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