Unfortunately, Lollapalooza 2010 was not an impressive year for Festival Fashion folks, but in an effort to follow up
last year's post here goes...there may be more ranting than raving this time around!
First and foremost, there has never been and most likely never will be an accessory that garners as much of a negative emotion from my fashion sense as the Wayfarer. If nobody else is willing, let me take on the task of telling you that the Emperor Has No Clothes On! I am not completely opposed to bits and pieces re-emerging from the decade of my birth, but these are not flattering on anyone. In fact, they are quite hideous! My feeble mind simply cannot fathom why these neon plastic frames are so popular and quite frankly not even a highly rational individual could ever explain it to me. Simply put... Wayfarers need to go far far away. Thank you, that will be all.
Winner of the WTF moment was one ensemble was almost as odd as the aforementioned sunglasses...white washed denim short shorts paired with black knee highs. WTF? Even if it was weather appropriate (which it wasn't) how is that possibly comfortable. At least she was sporting flats so maybe it wasn't a total loss.
In Festival Fashion 101 I sent out a request for the fellas to keep their shirts on and I find it awkward to now have to extend this request to the ladies. Bikini tops with shorts and skirts are always sprinkled throughout the park, but this year took the cake. One lone girl donning only a bikini (there was no cover up in sight and trust me I was scouring the premesis for one). Don't get me wrong, I can see the confusion, Lollapalooza is held at 'Grant Park' and there is a jumbo water feature known as 'Buckingham Fountain' but upon the slightest bit of research one would come to realize that this ain't a water park people! Keep your clothes ON! Geez!
Yet another throw back to the 80's were friendship bracelets. And while I do have fond memories of the hours of entertainment a clip board and some thread could provide as a child, I have no desire to recreate such memories. Not to mention, friendship bracelets would most certainly clash with my Yurman. All in all though, it was a nice touch of nostalgia and the youngins pulled them off well.
It wasn't all bad, a few of my fellow femmes rocked some excellent festival gear. For those who can pull of the short shorts, kudos to you, you wore them well. I loved, loved, loved the array of rompers and was strongly considering wearing a romp myself. The only down fall was bathroom logistics. Porta potty + One piece = way too much time in the porta potty. Ultimately, I decided against it, but bravo to the fashionistas who wore them proudly.
All in all, I was sad there were not a lot of skirts and dresses, the flowy look must have been out this season, but rest assured it will return. Nothing beats swaying to the beat, plastic wine bottle in tow, while a maxi dress swishes the tops of your flip flops.
As promised, once uncovered I would share my 'Top 10 Lessons Learned' from my first ever music festival with my bestie Pris. In the midst of yet another move I came across the ACL '05 scrapbook so the list is forthcoming!
Have thoughts on Festival Fashion? Share them here or e-mail kristin@smalltownista.com, Ranting and Raving are both highly encouraged!
Toodles from a Music Festival Fashion Lovin' Smalltownista!
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