

You know the well kempt woman you see breezing through the airport with a perfectly coiffed do, clean and easy makeup, donning fashionable attire, calmly strolling in front of respectable sized luggage. . . that is SO not me. Now, you know the frantic woman you see barreling down the gate, straggling tufts of hair flailing over her day old looking makeup, donning yoga pants and what may or may not be a matching t-shirt, wildly hauling a suitcase that was zipped closed much to its chagrin. . . that is me. Well, that is not entirely true, I do pack light.

Oh how I would love to be the savvy traveler, but no matter how much thought I put into it, I can never quite execute it. I am constantly on the lookout for anything that would streamline my travel experience. It is amazing how many purchases I have made in the pursuit of savvy traveling and yet remain the disheveled individual at the airport.

While I pride myself on having mastered the art of light packing I just cannot get it together on the big day. I have tried every tactic from hitting the hay at dusk, to not sleeping a wink before an early flight, to setting out pertinent last minute items, and end up in a puffy eyed rush regardless.

I am a fierce fan of travel, but tend to prefer hitting the open road to flying. Not that I particularly mind flying, it is just the whole being on someone else’s schedule thing. By the time I have gotten to and from the airport, hurry up and wait, hurry up and wait, I feel I could be well on my way to cruising down the highway. Toss a few bags in the back of my gypsy wagon, throw on a vintage head scarf, a pair of over sized shades, a plethora of play lists, a bag of sunflower seeds (in shell) and away I go.

Flying requires a little more finesse, more strategic packing, and well, I would not subject just anyone to my spitting sunflower seed shells. Alas, flying is a beautiful testament to convenience and without my loyal gypsy wagon at my fingertips, short of renting a car, off to the flight plans and security checks it is.

The most delicious portion of flying is delving into a long awaited good read, you didn’t really think I was going to say peanuts did you. Cozying up to a yummy book without any ringing cell phones, lurking obligations, or that horrible little guilt devil on my shoulder convincing me there is something else I should be doing instead. Just moi and uninterrupted cover to cover ecstasy, it is lovely. Not to mention I can really dig in and highlight because for whatever reason, even though I am no longer a student, I still feel it necessary to highlight outstanding information, please tell me I am not the only one.

So, here’s what I’m thinking as we all go forward in our savvy travels:

*One can never go wrong with all noir attire

*Stash enough reading materials to get through waiting and flight time, this will weigh down your carry on bag, so I suggest and over the shoulder bag or back pack.

*Pack journal accompanied by your fave pen, one never knows what inspiration will strike in midair

*Stylish and comfy footwear that is easy to kick off at security

*Minimal jewelry to ensure speedy airport passage

*Emergen-C packets on hand for an immunity and energy boost

*Carry on must haves: lip gloss (can’t live without Mentha Lip Shine), over sized scarf to double as blanket, contact re-wetting drops (pertinent in dry cabins), Ipod/phone with charger, ear buds, sleep mask & pillow if you want to catch some zzzzzz, healthy snacks for longer flights when veggie options are not available, compact for touch ups (I have clearly been missing this step), and last but not least a fabulous travel companion.

The holidays are upon us and I am looking forward to being home with friends, family, and cherry vanilla dr. peppers from Sonic.

Wishing everyone safe and savvy travels over this holiday season.

Toodles from a wannabe savvy traveler

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