

Happy New Year Ladies and Gentlemen!

Wow, 2009 was a landmark year for the hubs and moi. It was a year filled with oodles of traveling, live music, quality time together and with loved ones. We embarked on an exciting new adventure by moving from our small home town in Arkansas to the Windy City. We turned what could have been a disatrous downsize in living space into an opportunity to strengthen our relationship and create a new home and a new life together. What life has in store for all of us is constantly changing and unfolding the mystery from day to day is an amazing journey.

I am officially back in action after holidays, traveling, and an annoying stint without internet. Incidentally, my word to encompass this new year is ACTION. I am toying with the idea of finding at least one action a month to focus on, be it something I have never done or something I would like to improve, like say, my skills in the kitchen. Either way a new year is always a clean slate for us to set our intentions upon and my intention for 2010 is to take action.

Welcome to 2010 all and may it be your best year yet.

We are also back in Chi town after a wonderful visit home for the holidays. It was more than fabulous to catch up with everyone and to not be rushed through the festivities. Chicago took my challenge to heart and has been raining down some serious arctic weather. I absolutely adore all the snow, but my favorite part is catching glimpses of everyone bundled up in their winter best. I am looking forward to bundling up, frolicking in the snow, and enjoying a romantic dinner with the hubs tonight.

Wishing everyone warmth and good intentions.

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