First of all, Ricky Gervais as host of the Globes, could I be any more ecstatic! Certainly not, he is hysterical. The hubs was even pleased with his humorous attack on the americanized OFFICE.
Quick recap of my thoughts on tonights Play offs (in no particular order):
Monique for Precious: Love it. Acceptance speech: phenomenal, moving, and inspiring. The gratitude expressed to her hubs made me a little teary eyed.
The Hangover as best Comedy/Musical: No words to express my enthusiasm over this acknowledgement. When do comedies beat out musicals? Hardly ever, well, I have not researched this, but according to my recollection, not very often. Storyline was hilarious and relatable (to an extent) and I am happy it got a little recognition.
Julianna Marulies for The Good Wife: Yes, I like it. It is set in Chicago and I think she is doing an excellent job in this role. Very serious, tons of facial expression acting, and did I mention it is set in Chicago.
Michael C. Hall for Dexter: Need I say more? If you have followed this series, as the hubs and I have religiously, then there is no doubt that he was more than worthy of this honor.
Drew Barrymore for Grey Gardens: Always been a fan of Drew and think she has been underappreciated, but in this particular category I was rooting for Joan Allen. Allen's portrayal of Georgia O'Keefe, well, I can still feel it in my bones. Nonetheless, Grey Gardens recieved the praise it deserved. Any film based on the innovative notion of Documentary filmmakers makes my heart sing.
Mad Men: Really? This was my biggest disappointment of the evening. Don't get me wrong, I like the show and all, but at least three competitors (Dexter, House, Big Love) are extraordinarily better. Share the love I guess. Which leads me to. . .
John Lithgow for his role as the Trinity Killer in Dexter: Brilliant, horrifying, and all things that lead to terrifying nightmares, and all from the guy that made us laugh in 3rd Rock From the Sun. Clearly he was pick for this one.
Robert Downey Jr. for Sherlock Holmes: I must confess, I agreed with his wife that Matt Damon would win, but was easily persuaded otherwise after his entertaining acceptance speech. Humble and hilarious, (difficult to pull off under pressure), and did you see his bod in that movie, rockin'. Okay, besides the bod, he devoured some serious dialogue.
Jeff Bridges for Crazy Heart: The Dude Abides! Have yet to see this film, but have no doubt that Mr. Bridges was more than worthy of his standing ovation at The Golden Globes tonight. As the gal that is always on the edge of my seat chanting "thank your wife, thank your hubs, thank your family" I love, love, love that Jeff Bridges immediately not only thanked his wife, but made sure the camera got a shot of her, kudos.
I was blindsided by Sandra Bullock's win for The Blindside, not that she was undeserving (in fact the opposite, she has certainly paid her dues) but my money was on Gabourey Sidibe for Precious. I am a sucker for a sensational newbie. However, once again, kudos to Sandra for the sweet and heartfelt cheers to her hubs.
Meryle Streep for Julie & Julia: I enjoy humility, possibly over any other characteristic, but how does this amazing woman maintain such grace after soooo many awards. I have no idea, but I am awestruck by the fact that she seemed ligitimately surprised to win. Although, she is an incredible actress, hmmm. After the show she spilled forh my new favorite quote, "It's not hard to be humble, it's hard to be confident." Food for thought.
Martin Scorsese for the Cecil B. DeMille Award: How has this not happened already? And how humble were his words? Every single word he spoke about 'I'm ready for my close up Mr. DeMille' is true about him. There are no words for this phenomenal filmmaker, his films speak for themselves. If you are ever at crossroads on your Netflix queue, you can never go wrong with a Scorsese.
I guess everyone was aware that Avatar would scoop up Best Motion Picture-Drama, but I had my heart set on Precious. Once again, I am a sucker for the sensational newbie. Both films are original stories, which are commendable, and even though Avatar has been more widely viewed, Precious is an incredible story that needed to be told.
Sofia Vergara from Modern Family was by far my favorite Fashion Specimen from the evening in Carolina Herrara. Her dress, attitude, and confidence were fabulous.
I know I did not cover everybody, but these were the standouts to me, and the Super Bowl is on its way dears.
Smalltownistas may not have a team of makeup artists, hair stylists, agents, and publicists in our daily lives, but we still have a team of people that help us get and ourselves together. Family, besties, spouses, mentors, four legged friends, whoever you have in your life that encourages you to be, dream, and aspire. . .send gratitude to all of your energetic collaborators.
What would your acceptance speech consist of if you were acknowledged for a prestigious award?
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