Hot off the heels of the holiday devoted to eating turkey, I thought this post would be appropriate. Especially after getting such a hard time at the Thanksgiving dinner table.
Why are you a vegetarian?
No matter how many times I receive the end of this question I am always taken aback by it. Maybe because it is such a normal thing for me. Or maybe it is because I have a multi layered answer. Either way, I react with deer in the headlights look. So, at this point, not only does my inquisitor think I'm a weirdo, they also think I'm an idiot for stumbling over such a simple question.
At any rate, here is my answer to this query. It may be less inspired than you think.
When I was 12 I wanted to be a vegetarian because I thought it was cool. I do not remember exactly why it was cool, but keep in my mind I had a rocking X-men comic book collection at this time as well. So it is any one's guess why I thought anything was cool.
After six months of a meat free existence my parents intervened to inform me that sprite and baked potatoes did not a healthy diet make. I compromised with the rents and settled for not eating red meat and have stuck with it ever since.
Five years ago I decided it was time to go all the way and cut out white meat as well. Partly because of all the talk of hormones and such. Partly because I was plum burnt out on white and the other white meat. Also in part because I was becoming more aware of the absurd cruelty toward animals. I was ready to make a more serious commitment.
Today, the reason I adhere to a vegetarian menu is due to the Buddhist principle, AHIMSA , meaning to do no harm. My Buddhist beliefs, philosophies, or whatever you would like to call them, is not always the most appropriate answer, especially in a professional setting. I settle for stating my opinion that there are less cruel ways to put meat on our tables, but we choose not to utilize them.
I do not begrudge anyone their right to eat meat, trust me, the hubs is far from a vegetarian. The only time he gets the look is on the rare occassion he orders veal. Now that is just cruel and unusual punishment. Seriously, look into the journey of how veal makes it to your mouth. Okay, I will hop off my soap box now.
All in all, I do not have a simple answer to a simple question. And now you may be wondering why I choose not to apply ahimsa towards seafood, all I can say is, nobody is perfect. I am a fish eating buddhist, a social loner, and a girly tomboy. To each our own.
Toodles from a complicated veggie gal.
Cheers from one pescatarian to another!
Pris, thanks for letting me know that my comment posting was not working correctly!! I think we have it all worked out now.
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