

Alright, alright, I love the hubs everyday, but it seemed appropriate to gush about him since today is our three year wedding anniversary.  If not for his patience, support, and loving kindness Chicago would be one lonely slab of concrete.  It is amazing how places and experiences are brighter when shared with someone special. 

If relationships are Roller Coasters with ups and downs, never knowing what is around the bend (which is pretty much how I would have described dating when I was single), then marriage is a Ferris Wheel.  There are still ups and downs, but the ride is much smoother and the view from the top is always worth the time it took to get there. 

Kudos to the hubs for putting up with my neuroses daily, for being a loving and affectionate partner, for being the left brain compliment to my right brain, for being himself and for sharing that with me. 

Toodles, from one happily married Smalltownista.

p.s. Oops, I meant to post this yesterday, so let's just pretend like today is Wednesday.



Wearing Vintage

Nothing shimmies me free from the throws of a fashion rut faster than a little Vintage shopping.  We all pass through fashion transitions, some more gracefully than others, and we all need a sturdy shelter for safe passage.  Maybe it's your little black dress, your grandmother's pendants, or your tride and true hiking boots, mine is Vintage slips dahling.  No matter which direction the fashion winds are shifting, I can count on the comfort of my Vintage slip collection.  As a trend, they may have come and gone, but for me, they will never go out of style. 

Recently my friend Cass and I hit some off the beaten path boutiques and Vintage shops (yes, this was the shopping day when I left my wallet on the kitchen counter) and I was inspired out of a fashion foxhole. 



My copy of Tranquilista: Mastering the Art of Enlightened Work and Mindful Play arrived Saturday afternoon accompanied by a yummy bag of Numi White Rose Tea.  With tea in hand, I set to delve into this tasty treat and ended up devouring it completely.  I could not put it down, I wanted to soak up every morsel of knowledge she was kind enough to share with her readers.

Author, designer, do-gooder, teacher, and entrepeneur, Kimberly Wilson , has outdone herself once again.  I constantly refer to her first musing, Hip Tranquil Chick: A Guide to Life On and Off the Yoga Mat, and feel certain I will do the same with her latest masterpiece. 

You simply cannot go wrong with her fun and sassy writing style sprinkled with plenty of functional info.  Tranquilista: Mastering the Art of Enlightened Work and Mindful Play is inspiring and clever from cover to cover.  It is a must read for every Smalltownista. 

Toodles from a Tranquilista inspired Smalltownista.



As the hubs and I settled into our usual Sunday routine this evening, (him watching football, moi organizing my closet, books, dishes, etc.), the evening took an interesting turn.  Typically the excitement and screaming at the tube comes from the living room, but tonight it was coming from the bedroom.  Get your mind out of the gutter because I am referring to The Golden Globes.  While the hubs gears up for the Super Bowl contenders, I gear up for my version of the competition, THE OSCARS, and tonight is the Play offs = The Golden Globes

First of all, Ricky Gervais as host of the Globes, could I be any more ecstatic!  Certainly not, he is hysterical.  The hubs was even pleased with his humorous attack on the americanized OFFICE.

Quick recap of my thoughts on tonights Play offs (in no particular order):



I know I usually blabber on about frivolous and fun topics, but on a serious note, the earthquake in Haiti has caused massive devastation.  The death and injury tolls could never begin to measure the amount of sufferring.  Surely you have also been moved by the heartbreaking stories and photos. 

If you are interested in lending a helping hand, Haiti Earthquake Relief-Network for Good is a one stop shop for links to popular organizations.

Also, Stillerstrong , Ben Stiller's charity for schools in Haiti, is redirecting all donations to immediate relief.

To add the Compassion International Haiti Relief Updates (seen in left sidebar) with link for donations to your blog, facebook, or twitter CLICK HERE

Please post any additional information or links you feel would be beneficial.



I have always been a tiny tote carrying gal, but in leui of a lifestyle shift, I am singing a different tune.  My new motto in the city is "Tread Lightly and Carry a Big Handbag."  Passionate about purses, also known as, a Crazy Bag Lady, it seems time to pare down from my numerous small bags in exchange for fewer, but larger ones.  Also, after I left my wallet on the kitchen counter for a shopping spree day with my friend Cass, the last minute bag switch is no longer in my favor.

Why would life in the city require a larger shoulder accessory?  It is the lack of a personal vehicle that has left me lugging around all those extras that previously tumbled about in the gypsy wagon.  My lovely little hybrid was dubbed the 'gypsy wagon' for obvious reasons.  Often, it looked as though I lived as a nomad with all the junk sliding around in the floor board.  Needless to say I have ditched a lot of the excess items, but there are still those essentials required to be on my person. 

Items that have made the transition from wagon to bag include, but not limited to: Sunglasses with case, Reusable shopping bags, Sweater, Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper from Sonic = bottle of water (sad, but probably a good thing), Lipstick Pepper Spray - Silver (this is a new addition), A good book (currently the compact, Holidays on Ice: Stories by David Sedaris), Ipod = Iphone , and as for my Yoga Mat , well, it's handy, but not in my handbag. 

If only I could get my hands on that magical Mary Poppins bag, I could have a good read accompanied by good lighting at any given moment.  Wouldn't that be marvelous!  In the meantime, my neck, back, and shoulders are slowly adjusting to this new necessity, which reminds me of another new addition, Aveda Blue Oil , for sore muscles. 

Of course all of the above goodies are in addition to those regular musts, such as wallet, keys, and mentha lip shine.

Are you a fan of the oversized handbag?


Do you toss your all your extras in your car?

Toodles from one treading lightly and carrying a big handbag Smalltownista.



Welcome to "What I'm Lovin' Wednesday"!!!

One frigid Chicago evening, I learned the hard way that gloves are no longer an accessory, but a necessity. Even more of a necessity is layering. I have been a fan of TranquiliT's arm warmers for some time, but I no longer view them as simply a unique addition to an outfit. Much like my new found affinity for gloves, I am equally devoted to arm warmers . Gloves, the more utilitarian sister to mittens, can still be a tad cumbersome. I challenge you to dig dollars out of your wallet to pay your cabbie with wool covered fingers. Now when the gloves come off (I've always wanted to say that) I can maintain a little palm style and warmth.



A few thoughts on Ann Coulter's Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America.

If anyone has ever truly believed that the best way to drive your point home is to do the exact same thing you are criticizing someone else for, then by all means purchase this book immediately. If on the other hand you feel that elementary school style insults have a way of watering down an argument or that in the event someone has a valid point, it would be more readily absorbed if put forth intelligently then please spare yourself the misery of reading this book. The "I'm Rubber and You're Glue" tactic lost it's efficacy on me around 3rd grade.



(Steph, Adam, and Baby Lane)

Today is one of those days that makes it tough to live away from home. My friend Steph lost her grandad, his funeral is today. I hate that I cannot be there for her. I want to give her a hug, buy her a sheet cake and a bottle of wine, clean her house, cook her dinner, play with the kiddos, do anything that may ease those daily routines that are never the same after the loss of a loved one. Fortunately, I know she is surrounded by an abundance of love and support.

Steph is a hero of mine, not only for her loyalty and wit, but also for her selflessness in a world of looking out for #1ers. Mottoes of selfishness promote the idea of caring for ourselves before we can care for others. Which I agree with to an extent, but in a crisis, that concept becomes a luxury. It was a luxury that Steph did not afford herself when her grandparents became ill. With a full time job, two beautiful kiddos and a supportive hubs at home she made the time to care for her Grammy and Pops. Even on her days off she made the trek to Hot Springs to check on them, pick up prescriptions, walk their dog, whatever needed to be done. She gave them her time, of which she did not have much to spare. She will never have regrets that maybe she could have done more. That is the side of the coin I wish for everyone.

Nothing in life prepares us for great loss.

My heart is with Steph and her family today and all the days to follow.



Finally, an author after my own heart. In Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America, Barbara Ehrenreich covers all matters from cancer to the economy. It may sound somewhat depressing, but she does not, as one may assume, promote negative thinking. She urges individuals to gather as much information as possible before forming a concrete opinion and to take a realistic approach to life decisions. In short, look on the bright side and you may be blind sided.



Happy New Year Ladies and Gentlemen!

Wow, 2009 was a landmark year for the hubs and moi. It was a year filled with oodles of traveling, live music, quality time together and with loved ones. We embarked on an exciting new adventure by moving from our small home town in Arkansas to the Windy City. We turned what could have been a disatrous downsize in living space into an opportunity to strengthen our relationship and create a new home and a new life together. What life has in store for all of us is constantly changing and unfolding the mystery from day to day is an amazing journey.

I am officially back in action after holidays, traveling, and an annoying stint without internet. Incidentally, my word to encompass this new year is ACTION. I am toying with the idea of finding at least one action a month to focus on, be it something I have never done or something I would like to improve, like say, my skills in the kitchen. Either way a new year is always a clean slate for us to set our intentions upon and my intention for 2010 is to take action.

Welcome to 2010 all and may it be your best year yet.

We are also back in Chi town after a wonderful visit home for the holidays. It was more than fabulous to catch up with everyone and to not be rushed through the festivities. Chicago took my challenge to heart and has been raining down some serious arctic weather. I absolutely adore all the snow, but my favorite part is catching glimpses of everyone bundled up in their winter best. I am looking forward to bundling up, frolicking in the snow, and enjoying a romantic dinner with the hubs tonight.

Wishing everyone warmth and good intentions.