

Dear Chicago,

You're a rascal.  I must admit I was leery of you at first, but you have proven yourself to be very kind indeed.

I knew that opportunity was abundant in your fair city, but was unaware I would be fortunate enough to find my perfect fit.  Leaving my previous business behind was a difficult task and left me unsure that I would find anything at all comparable. Enter... Pelle Sana Salon with its eloquent owner, charming physique, and heaps of character, it's precisely what I was seeking. Suffice it to say, I have found my dream job.

With my licensing squared away, my dream job training under way, a heat wave upon us (35+ degrees, woohoo), and an ever supportive hubs on my arm this city is starting to look more like a playground than a death trap.

Chicago, kind Sir, you are beginning to feel like home.

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