Nothing says 'Family Bonding' better than a good ol' fashion round of Trivial Pursuit, fondly dubbed 'T.P.' around our kitchen table. It has recently come to my attention that not only is T.P. a great way to learn fun facts, but perhaps even a way to glean valuable life lessons.
See, to answer a T.P. question correctly you have a few choices:
A) The answer is obvious
B) The answer is in the question
C) Utilize Deductive Reasoning
D) You have an educated guess
More importantly than any of the above, you have to go with your gut and you simply must not second guess yourself. As soon as you begin backing away from your instincts you are in trouble. More often than not, the correct answer was the first one you thought of, but the more you fumble around with other choices the higher your chances of dropping the ball, or pie as the case may be. Refraining from second guessing yourself is quite possibly the Cardinal Rule of Trivial Pursuit.
Which leads me to my point about life. Second guessing ourselves is a pain staking waste of time and ususally our first instinct was right. My pops likes to say "there are no wrong decisions, whatever you have decided got you to where you are now, and you are exactly where you need to be." I am inclined to agree with him and if such an idea is so, then second guessing does not do anyone any good in the pursuit of trivia or in life.
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