Whew, this last week has been a whirl wind. . .
*Survive first week solo on the Dream Job. Check
*Clean house for Momma Jane's visit. Halfway check
*Bid farewell to the hubs as he embarks on sea side vacay. Check
*Imbibe one green beer for first St. Patty's Day in Chi town festivities. Check
*Prepare week's worth of lunch for work. Not even close to a check
*Top off latest read from massive book collection. Almost check
*Unpack from Road trip and do laundry for two. Check
*Catch up with a few besties via phone date. Check
*Find a place for at home Yoga practice in new routine. Working on it, but will be much easier and more convenient when new Yoga studio opens up, 3 doors down from work. Counting down the days, er, months!
*Bask in the Spring time weather teaser. Check
*Lend a helping hand to fellow city dweller. Check & it was fun to actually know where I was going well enough to give someone else directions. YAY.
Hitting my stride at said dream job is going to take a little time, but I will get there. In the meantime, this little smalltownista is on hiatus from posting. My focus for now is on work, the hubs, yoga, meditation, reading, and catching up with folks when I have a free moment. If there is any blogging to be had it will be few and far between. I hope to be back in the swing of things soon, but until then. . .
Toodles for now!