

Whew, this last week has been a whirl wind. . .

*Survive first week solo on the Dream Job. Check

*Clean house for Momma Jane's visit. Halfway check

*Bid farewell to the hubs as he embarks on sea side vacay. Check

*Imbibe one green beer for first St. Patty's Day in Chi town festivities. Check

*Prepare week's worth of lunch for work. Not even close to a check

*Top off latest read from massive book collection. Almost check

*Unpack from Road trip and do laundry for two. Check

*Catch up with a few besties via phone date. Check

*Find a place for at home Yoga practice in new routine. Working on it, but will be much easier and more convenient when new Yoga studio opens up, 3 doors down from work. Counting down the days, er, months!

*Bask in the Spring time weather teaser. Check

*Lend a helping hand to fellow city dweller. Check & it was fun to actually know where I was going well enough to give someone else directions. YAY.

Hitting my stride at said dream job is going to take a little time, but I will get there. In the meantime, this little smalltownista is on hiatus from posting. My focus for now is on work, the hubs, yoga, meditation, reading, and catching up with folks when I have a free moment. If there is any blogging to be had it will be few and far between. I hope to be back in the swing of things soon, but until then. . .

Toodles for now!



Today is a very fun post for me as I had the opportunity to interview my friend, very talented writer, and fellow Smalltownista, Lauren Sisson. Being a die hard Jimmy Buffett fan or parrothead I should say, Lauren has recently launched the blog Life Lessons from JB and it is sure to be a place for you to find fun, quippy, and informative posts.



Married life easily lends itself to the concept of routine. And don't get me wrong here, routine is quite a welcome change from the wild world of singledom. Reading a new book while the hubs is watching Sports Center is a past time I would not trade for anything in the world. Finding that 'private intimacy' Elizabeth Gilbert speaks of is an ineffable feeling. That being said, it's nice to shake it up every once in awhile.



Here's the deal, I do not claim to be that great at much of anything, so believe me when I say, I am the Master of packing light.  I know it's hard to believe from a smalltownista that has managed to cram pack two closets, not to mention accumulate an embarassing amount of accessories, but it's true. Five days in Mexico on one back pack and I literally had to purchase a large suitcase for our wedding because it was such a lengthy trip. Up until that adventure, my luggage consisted of a carry on rolly bag. The hubs can even attest to this one. Now, I do not recommend going off the radar bat sh*t crazy about packing as I do, but I will share a few tips of the trade.



Okay, so not quite the love affair I had with Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman's Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia, but I certainly could relate to Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage a little bit more.  Sure, Ms. Gilbert is working through her thoughts on marriage number two, but I was just as skeptical about marriage number one.  It was no surprise that as a 'child of divorce' or as Ann Coulter would prefer, "Future Stripper" I had no fairy tale notions associated with marriage.  Fortunately, I find myself very happy and fulfilled with my hubs.  I should probably clear up the fact that I have never been nor am I currently a 'stripper' but thanks for vote of confidence Ms. Coulter. 



March is National Women's History Month and with oodles of awe inspiring, fabulously fascinating, wildly passionate, and extraordinary women in history. Which woman or women in history inspire you?

I have to go with fashionista and entrepreneur extraordinaire, Nelly Don. Ever heard of her? I had not. That is, until viewing Nelly Don: A Stitch In time two years ago at the Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival and quite frankly I was a little upset that she is not more of a house hold name. She was the first female self-made millionaire for goodness sake!



Nothing says 'Family Bonding' better than a good ol' fashion round of Trivial Pursuit, fondly dubbed 'T.P.' around our kitchen table.  It has recently come to my attention that not only is T.P. a great way to learn fun facts, but perhaps even a way to glean valuable life lessons. 



Dear Chicago,

You're a rascal.  I must admit I was leery of you at first, but you have proven yourself to be very kind indeed.

I knew that opportunity was abundant in your fair city, but was unaware I would be fortunate enough to find my perfect fit.  Leaving my previous business behind was a difficult task and left me unsure that I would find anything at all comparable. Enter... Pelle Sana Salon with its eloquent owner, charming physique, and heaps of character, it's precisely what I was seeking. Suffice it to say, I have found my dream job.