I thought I would post a blast from the past that I wrote January 11, 2007, long before Smalltownista materialized. Just playing a little catch up.
So I feel a little bit guilty about elaborating on why men suck(1), maybe they just have to so you know when you find the right one. Or maybe there are really just a few good ones left. YAY, I found one those.
Now to the matter at hand, I seem to have lived 25 years as a female and NEVER dreamed about my perfect wedding day. The only thing that I ever had pictured was being on the beach, that's as far I got. One down on that one, because our wedding will be in St. Thomas on the beach. Only one hundred million things to go.
It has come to my realization that there may be an epidemic of women born without the "bride gene." It was on an episode of Sex and the City so I figure I can't be the only one. The marriage part, not worried about that at all, I have never been so happy in a relationship, and I have never felt so lucky to be with someone. The whole wedding planning thing, on the other hand, has me all worked up. Of course you can't really just skip that part, I mean it's a big day, it's a big deal.
In the beginning stages of the planning, I thought oh this is no problem, I am not going to be one of those women that goes crazy, to the brink of insanity, over planning a wedding. It's such an exciting thing, what could possibly go wrong. Well. . .Now I know that's probably what everybody thinks in the beginning, and then somehow the wedding universe gets wind of your excitement and decides to start pelting you with curve balls. It's as though the wedding planning industry has specifically set out to drive you MAD!!!
Two weeks to go and counting. . . I do not have a dress as of yet, a dress, by the way, that no matter what will have to be altered to the max, because if you have seen me lately, and by lately I mean in the last decade and a half, I am short. Not only are tall girls the only girls that buy jeans, but apparently they are also the only girls that buy wedding dresses. I have set out on a wild goose chase to find THE DRESS. I have seen it, I know the name of the line and the style number, it does exist. The catch is that there are only 2 stores in Arkansas that carry that line, there are 2 dresses with this style number in this state, they just happen to be a size 16 and a size 4, of which I am neither.
I should also send out apologies now to those who will be present at the actual nuptials. Heads up to anyone else who is planning a "white wedding" on the beach, in January, Good Luck finding something of that nature in Arkansas in January. We just thought hey we don't want our pictures to look jank, so how about everybody wear something white or neutral. Great idea in theory, apparently it is not so easy to find something of that nature this time of year. Too late to turn back now. Sorry guys.
Ah my favorite, so far, because remember there is more planning ahead, INVITATIONS, can't just skip it, kind of want to let people know. Pretty much a necessity if you want people to show up at the reception. Once again, not a problem, pick some out and order them up, get them printed, get the addressed, stamp em, and send em out, POOF. Until you call the invitation ordering place to wonder why they are not in yet and she informs you that the company just called (a week after they were ordered) to inform her that they do not have enough to fill that order, and I will need to pick out something different. Wow, thanks for the promptness on the delivery of that information. Seeing as how those needed to be printed yesterday. But I can't complain too much, because hours later the lady calls back to let me know the company found some more and they will be here the next day.
By next day, of course, means 4:30pm, which even if I was not at work at that time they certainly would not have made it the printer. So now I am starting to understand why brides get a bad rep. Why an ordinarily laid back individul would just FREAK OUT.
However, through all this madness, I have come to the conclusion that the term "cold feet" does not have anything to do with worrying about whether or not getting married is the right thing, or worrying about whether or not this person is the one, because let's face it, that's already been sussed out. "Cold Feet" is actually worrying about, is this dress ok? do my hips look too big? Did my invitations get out on time? Were there any typos? Is the band going to show? Are our pictures going to look jank? Did we order enough food? Are we going to run out of booze? Well, you get the point.
CHEERS to all of you courageous women out there who planned an in town wedding and reception. To all of you tremendous women who had months and maybe even years to plan a wedding and a reception. I will never know how the stress of planning it all did not break you. To those incredible women that pulled off the perfect wedding and looked absolutely amazing walking down the aisle, Vanessa and Marci, and those of you that are on your way to doing the same, Missy, Cass, and Alison(2). I tip my veil to you.
In the end, I am just so damn happy and excited to be marrying such an amazing man that makes me smile constantly, makes me laugh all the time, never fails to make me happy, and makes my life in general more beautiful everyday, that all the stress of planning really does not matter.
By the way if you have any advice for a stressed out Bride to be or any tips on how things are supposed to be done, please let me know. I need all the help I can get(3).
(1)Reference to an even older post.
(2)Missy, Cass, and Alison are now happily married after fabulously beautiful wedding days, they too survived.
(3)Clearly I am passed the point of advice, but I am certain that other brides to be would love any tips they can get, so feel free to share.
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