Out of the mouth of Joy from” My Name Is Earl”. I always get a kick out of that line and who doesn’t dig some Jason Lee. At any rate, I am a fan of anything that demystifies Karma and brings it to the mainstream, although let's be clear that Carson Daly did not in fact invent Karma.
Take it as simply as ‘what goes around comes around’, a deeper spiritual belief in reincarnation (retribution for your past grievances or rewards for past do-gooding in your next life), or delve into the aspect of every moment being a lifetime (reincarnation at warp speed). Whichever resonates with you, take it to heart. It is a good principle to follow.
Our recent move to Chicago has me thinking about karma a lot lately. I am a strong believer in Karma, in its simplest form as well as its literal form. My thoughts on reincarnation may be a little different than most. I am not opposed to the idea of past lives, but I see lives as moments. Each moment is a lifetime and therefore karma is cycling every moment.
A fresh environment, say moving from a small town to a big city, can seem like a new lifetime. A move to any place is a new lifetime in a way. I can graph my personal growth by pins on a map. Chicago is the third place I have lived besides my hometown and I am now aware of the opportunities that present themselves if I am mindful. Essentially everyone I meet will be a stranger without any preconceived notions of who or what I should be. Every place and every action will be novel to my senses and every step a chance to utilize foreign thought processes.
I am not talking about becoming someone I am not, but bettering myself in ways that may have previously passed me by. There is an opportunity to be a healthier and stronger version of myself. Also, opportunities to make choices that affect others and moí positively rather than negatively. Of course, the idea of ‘self’ is a whole other conversation. For the present moment my thoughts are on karma and how the Chicago Moi can go forward with good intentions. Afterall, our intentions and our actions accrue good or bad karma.
"Our intentions create our reality"-Wayne Dyer.
Karma (kahr-ma) Universal karma is the law of cause and effect that dictates that wise, skillful behavior leads to happiness, and ignorant, unskillful behavior leads to suffering. An individual's "karma" is the present culmination of all the wise and unwise things they've done in the past.
Definition taken from Girl Seeks Bliss: Zen and the Art of Modern Life Maintenance
Toodles and may your karma be pure.
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