

What did sufferers of Chicago slush storms ever do without wellies?  So glad I did not have to find out.  Thus far, my wellies have been the most useful purchase of the year, of my first year in Chi Town to boot. 

My friend, the very talented artist, JlWren recently pointed out how inviting it is to revert back to childhood puddle jumping while sporting a pair of wellies.  How true it is.  The city seems to be alive with child like grown ups mulling up and down the streets awaiting the next great puddle.  Even if they are not expecting it.

I have certainly fallen victim to what I refer to as 'black slush', similar to 'black ice' back home in Arkansas, black slush can be pretty tricky.  It likes to blend into the pavement, especially the pavement in the mouth of a crosswalk.  Do you see where I am going with this?  Yep, you think you are stepping off the curb onto the street, but alas, you plunk down into 6 inches of slush instead.  Black slush is a tricky beast indeed and would be quite dangerous, not to mention gross, if not for lovely protective rubber footwear. 

My advice to smalltownistas and city dwellers everywhere, strap on a pair of stylish wellies, wait for the next round of rain, and get to puddle jumping.

Toodles from one wellie loving Smalltownista



Never one to shy away from my lot to live a life submerged in an abundance of strong women, I love my girls.  Never do I have trouble voicing my adoration for the hubs, but today there is another man in my life whom I simply must dote on.

My Matty, well I have to share him with what seems to be half the world, but nonetheless, in my eyes he will always be my Matty. 

Matt and I have been besties since the first day we met, over fourteen years ago.  We lived across the street from eachother and our moms introduced us in that awkward "Kristin will be attending your school in the fall, you two should get to know eachother" type of way.  It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship indeed.