

I recently stumbled upon a book circa early 00's about life in the city. While the author offered up some valuable advice, she sprinkled it with tidbits of small town stereotypes. Ideas that all small towners wear overalls, drive pickup trucks, and have little to no ambition makes my blood boil. I do not claim to be familier with small towns everywhere, but from my humble experiences, I can honestly say those sweeping claims are simply NOT TRUE.

Okay, small town style may not be HIGH fashion, but it is not all overalls all the time. There is a simple approach to style in small towns, which I happen to appreciate. Pickup Trucks, really? Need I say more. And yes, we may not all be clawing our way up a fortune 500 company ladder, but chances are we own or work for a family owned business, are stay at home moms with a creative biz on the side, teachers, lawyers, occupational therapists, artists, and that is just to name a few occupations within my small circle. Assuming that small town dwellers have little to no ambition in life, is like assuming city dwellers have no connection to family. It's ridiculous.

Hence, the inspiration for Smalltownista: Small Town Girls Have Style Too. May smalltownistas everywhere band together to share tips, tricks, inspiration and to show the world that style can be found anywhere, even in a small town.

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