Well, well, well, here we are in 2012 and I am looking forward to the year ahead.
Intentions, resolutions, dreams, and goals are wonderful to have at my fingertips, but choosing a single word to encompass what I would like to strive for throughout the year is extremely helpful in keeping me on track. Mental, physical, spiritual, and financial health are all under the 'HEALTH' umbrella with each having enough subsections to keep me pretty busy.
Another word that has come up for me a lot lately is 'LISTEN' and not just to others, but also to myself. I think this will play nicely with 'HEALTH' seeing as how tuning out what my mind, body, and spirit truly need is far from healthy.
That is where I am in this sparkling brand new year, how about you? Do you have a word or phrase to sum up your intentions for 2012?
Toodles from this 2012 basking Smalltownista.