Welcome to day in the life of the not so fabulous. Transferring my aesthetician license is taking considerably longer than I planned and I sort of need to be legal to work in the state of Illinois before I set out into the job market. After scheduled travels and lovely visitors it seems my days are filled with, well, nothing. Nothing except wallowing, I mean where are my little dive bars with my beloved bartenders (Jimmy & Brett) that never shun me for ordering NA brewskies. Where are my bearings and where is my friggin’ car (my gypsy wagon, storage unit, & quite respite from the world)? Where are my girls, my besties that keep me grounded and sane? Where is my large winding crooked tree that makes up my ridiculously fantastic family? All back home in my small town, that’s where. But I am moving on from the ‘whoa is me’ outlook and upon further dissection I realize that I have filled my days thus far with some positive trends. Here are some hints if you happen upon massive amounts of free time.
*Begin a dutiful recycling routine, Go Green
*Find your groove at the gym (thanks to boot camp I triumphed over gymophobia and 4-5 days a week I slip into my lorts and hit the gym for an hour)
*Commit to eating healthy, cooking fresh foods at home, and toying with new tofu and quinoa recipes to ensure proper protein portions for a veggie lifestyle
*Indulge in oodles of time with the hubs or loved ones close by
*Organize and Decorate (finding a place for everything in a small space can be a challenge, but I have never met an organizational challenge I did not like)
*Savor sipping Aveda’s Comforting Tea (My newest fave find and especially wonderful these past few days that I have been under the weather
*Learn way around neighborhood by exploring your surroundings (I am finding that we really live in a convenient locale, although, maybe everywhere in the city is conveniently located)
*Adhere to strict beauty rituals and regimens including bundles of beauty sleep
*Set a new goal to overcome reader's A.D.D. and actually finish one book before picking up three more. (So far I have not been too successful, it's a work in progress)
Our new abode is phenomenal, despite being a tad smaller than our previous home it met all of our criteria with awesome amenities to boot. It is not photo op ready yet, but coming together nicely. And now that most of my books are out of their sad moving boxes it is feeling more like home. Yes, I confess to a not so healthy attachment to my books. The closet space is insane and would surely make Carrie Bradshaw squeal with delight. Our view is lovely and the lake and river are welcome changes from my time in Flagstaff where I was landlocked.
Chicago is a great city, fabulous even. It is a wonderland of activity with events around every corner. The music scene is sick, restaurants; most of which offer an array of veggie options, are totally tasty, the Art Institute is sure to be one of my hot spots, and almost everything I could possibly need is right at my fingertips. People watching is my newest favorite hobby in the city. Street walking, let me rephrase that, walking the streets of the second city is reminiscent of floating down the canal at Disney World’s ‘It’s a Small World’ ride. Every cross walk is a melting pot of accents, languages and personal fashion statements. I guess if a small town is a small town then a city is a small world after all.
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