

You may have noticed there were quite a few months of silence from this Smalltownista as I seemingly dropped off the face of the blogosphere. Well, it was not for lack of inspiration and ideas, but rather...

Wednesday January 12th, 2011

Ugh, why is my phone ringing? And look, it's 3:30 in the morning. Telemarketers. Who would possibly be awake for a sales call at this hour. Vibrate...what a fabulous notion!

Again, really, well this is seriously disturbing my REM sleep. Wait, why is a 312 number calling me...and is that the hubs phone vibrating from its charging perch?

Oh no, this must be some sort of emergency!!! Something must have set off my security alarm at work...did I lock the front door? check! Did I lock the back door? I feel certain this is also a check! From deep within my semi-conscious state I fumble with my iphone attempting to redial the 312 number, but instead happen upon this voicemail...

"This is the Chicago Police Department and a cab has crashed into your store front, we need a key holder at 2480 N. Lincoln as soon as possible."


As I Pace in a panic, the hubs arises to ask me what the heck is going on. To which I reply in a distressed mumbling "a cab crashed into my shop"!!! At this point, no two people have ever dressed and brushed teeth faster in their lives. We round the corner to my shop's block and this is what we see...

What happens next is part adrenaline and part just plain amazing. I quickly assess the jaw dropping scene, realize it could have been way worse, and begin damage control: call my insurance company, okay the board up, clean what I can, come home, shower, and with chai in hand return to clean some more, come home, eat breakfast, call glass company to schedule an estimate for window replacement, post pics on Pelle Sana facebook page to inform clients of the news, back for more cleaning, and home again to nap while the hubs takes care of debris removal. While helpful if you ever find yourself in this precise predicament, it is what's missing from this mundane list that is curious.

At no point during this debacle did I have one single freak out! Now, this may not be considered amazing, that is, unless you know me. Coming from the person who can utterly unravel at the thought of assembling an ensemble for a Saturday night out, how is it physically possible to NOT have a massive melt down after this bizarre incident?

Turns out, Im not too shabby in a crisis. I credit this to the fact that incessantly sweating the small stuff prepares me for the actual dramatic stuff. Admittedly not the best way to shuffle through life, but we all have our faults and you never know when they may work to your advantage (this one time anyway).

Pelle Sana Salon was put back together again and my store front looks better than ever. Family, friends, and clients were so very supportive throughout the entire process. So yes, that happened and while it was certainly not a life & death matter, needless to say it sucked up tons of my time and energy, hence the extended absence of Smalltownista.

Toodles from this back in action Smalltownista.

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